Thank you for your interest in getting involved with our work here at Worcester Asylum Clinic. By lending your support, you’ll become a valuable part of our initiative in Central Massachusetts and help to strengthen ways in which we can help local asylum seekers take necessary steps towards achieving a safe and secure future.

Our initiative wouldn't be possible without our passionate, dedicated health professional evaluators. These health professionals get trained by Physicians for Human Rights sponsored workshops to conduct medical and psychiatric evaluations of asylum seekers to properly document evidence of persecution in medical affidavits. We are always looking for more evaluators to be able to diversify the pool we have and best serve each case. We know that health professionals are incredibly busy and we will work with those interested to have them partake at their convenience. If you are interested in joining our team of evaluators, please fill out this linked form and wait to be contacted by us.
Medical student volunteers are a vital part of the evaluation process. With their help, evaluators can have a detailed account of their session and can best assist the asylum seeker's case. Students need to attend a Physicians for Human Rights sponsored asylum seeker forensic evaluation training session. If you are an interested student, please fill out this linked form and we will reach out regarding next steps, whether it be setting you up with a training session or getting you oriented to participate in a case. If you are a student at UMMS interested in our Health Professionals for Human Rights council, please reach out via our contact form.
We are always looking to broaden our network of individual lawyers and law firms/groups that are committed to helping asylum seekers, especially in the Central Massachusetts region, but also beyond. If you are a lawyer working on an asylum seeker case that we can help with, please fill out our case request form on our homepage (and also at the top right of any page). If you would like to become a partner, please reach our via our contact form.

IN 2022
Many asylum seekers utilizing our services could benefit from additional resources and support beyond their evaluation. The Care Navigation Program will provide 1-1, longitudinal support to clients after their evaluation is complete to help them address some of their socioeconomic and health/wellbeing needs. Following an evaluation, a client interested in the program will be contacted by a Care Navigator to complete an intake and to discuss priorities for future check-in encounters. Navigators will connect clients with community-based resources (such as food banks, English courses, and religious and spiritual organizations) and can assist with access to the MassHealth Limited safety net and the online mental health platform Better Help for a discounted rate. Of note, we have $75 stipends to distribute to Care Navigation clients. There is now an option on the evaluation request form to indicate if your client might be interested in these services.